#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.36; use utf8; use open qw(:std :encoding(UTF-8)); use Feature::Compat::Try; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/../lib"; # add bogus properties acknowledged uid to silence Cal::DAV package Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::None { use base qw/Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm/; sub optional_unique_properties { qw( duration repeat acknowledged uid ); } } # add bogus properties acknowledged uid to silence Cal::DAV package Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::Display { use base qw/Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm/; sub optional_unique_properties { qw( duration repeat acknowledged uid ); } } # add bogus properties acknowledged uid to silence Cal::DAV package Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm::Email { use base qw/Data::ICal::Entry::Alarm/; sub optional_unique_properties { qw( duration repeat acknowledged uid ); } } use Getopt::Complete ( 'quiet!' => undef, 'verbose!' => undef, 'debug!' => undef, 'trace!' => undef, 'output' => undef, 'skeldir' => 'directories', 'username' => undef, 'password' => undef, 'locale' => undef, 'timezone' => undef, '<>' => undef, ); use IO::Interactive::Tiny; use Log::Any qw($log); use Log::Any::Adapter; use URI; use DateTime; use Path::Tiny; use Text::Xslate; use POSIX qw(locale_h); # resolve LC_TIME use locale; use DateTime::TimeZone; use Object::Groupware::DAV; use Object::Groupware::Calendar; # collect settings from command-line options and defaults my $SKELDIR = $ARGS{skeldir} || $ENV{SKELDIR} || "$Bin/../templates"; my $BASE_URI = $ARGS{'<>'}[0] || $ENV{CAL_DAV_URL_BASE}; my $CALENDAR_URI = $ARGS{'<>'}[1] || $ENV{CAL_DAV_URL_CALENDAR}; my $USERNAME = $ARGS{username} || $ENV{CAL_DAV_USER}; my $PASSWORD = $ARGS{password} || $ENV{CAL_DAV_PASS}; my $LOCALE = $ARGS{locale} || $ENV{CAL_LANG}; my $TIME_ZONE = $ARGS{timezone}; my $OUTPUT_FILE = $ARGS{output}; # init logging my $LOGLEVEL = 'warning'; $LOGLEVEL = 'critical' if $ARGS{quiet}; $LOGLEVEL = 'warning' if defined $ARGS{verbose} and !$ARGS{verbose}; $LOGLEVEL = 'info' if $ARGS{verbose}; $LOGLEVEL = 'debug' if $ARGS{debug}; $LOGLEVEL = 'trace' if $ARGS{trace}; if ( IO::Interactive::Tiny::is_interactive() ) { Log::Any::Adapter->set( 'Screen', default_level => $LOGLEVEL ); } else { use Log::Any::Adapter ( 'Stderr', default_level => $LOGLEVEL ); } # extend DateTime locale with form LONGER # * omit year and second # * unabbreviate weekday and month # * interpose time preposition in combined date and time, where known my %at = ( C => " 'at' ", ar => " 'في' ", da => " 'kl.' ", de => " 'um' ", en => " 'at' ", es => " 'a las' ", fr => " 'à' ", he => " 'בשעה' ", it => " 'alle' ", ja => "'に'", no => " 'kl.' ", ru => " 'в' ", zh => "'在'", ); my $dt_locale = DateTime::Locale->load( $LOCALE || setlocale(LC_TIME) ); my ( $locale, $lang ) = $dt_locale->code =~ /^((\w+)(?:-\w+)?)/; my $dt = DateTime->now( locale => $dt_locale ); my %dt_locale_data = $dt_locale->locale_data; $dt_locale_data{code} = "${locale}-LONGER"; $dt_locale_data{name} .= ' nouns unabbreviated'; $dt_locale_data{date_format_medium} = $dt->locale->format_for('MMMMEd'); $dt_locale_data{date_format_medium} ||= $dt->locale->format_for('MMMEd'); $dt_locale_data{date_format_medium} =~ s/\bMMM\b/MMMM/; $dt_locale_data{date_format_medium} =~ s/\bMMM\b/MMMM/; $dt_locale_data{date_format_medium} =~ s/\bE\b/EEEE/; $dt_locale_data{time_format_medium} = $dt->locale->format_for('Hm'); $dt_locale_data{datetime_format_medium} =~ s/^\{1\}\K,? (?=\{0\}$)/$at{$lang}/ if $at{$lang}; # init groupware settings my %GROUPWARE_OPTIONS = ( dt_locale => DateTime::Locale::FromData->new( \%dt_locale_data ), dt_time_zone => DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => ( $ARGS{timezone} || 'local' ), ), ); $log->infof( 'Will use locale %s and time zone %s', $GROUPWARE_OPTIONS{dt_locale}->code, $GROUPWARE_OPTIONS{dt_time_zone}->name, ); # init calendar URIs $BASE_URI = URI->new($BASE_URI) or $log->fatal('failed to parse required base URI') && exit 2; $BASE_URI->scheme or $BASE_URI->scheme('file'); # get calendar my $calendar; if ( $BASE_URI->scheme eq 'http' or $BASE_URI->scheme eq 'https' ) { $log->infof( 'will use base URI %s', $BASE_URI ); $CALENDAR_URI = URI->new( $CALENDAR_URI || $BASE_URI ); $CALENDAR_URI and $CALENDAR_URI->authority or $log->fatal('bad calendar URI: must be an internet URI') && exit 2; $BASE_URI->eq($CALENDAR_URI) and $CALENDAR_URI = undef or $log->infof( 'will use calendar URI %s', $CALENDAR_URI ); my $session = Object::Groupware::DAV->new( user => $USERNAME, pass => $PASSWORD, uri => $BASE_URI, %GROUPWARE_OPTIONS, ); $calendar = $session->get($CALENDAR_URI); } elsif ( $BASE_URI->scheme eq 'file' ) { defined $BASE_URI->file or $log->fatal('bad base URI: cannot open file') && exit 2; $log->infof( 'will use base URI %s', $BASE_URI ); # parse local calendar data $log->debug('parse local calendar data...'); my $path = path( $BASE_URI->file ); if ( $path->is_file ) { $calendar = Object::Groupware::Calendar->new( filename => "$path", %GROUPWARE_OPTIONS, ); } else { my $data; $path->visit( sub { $data .= $_->slurp_raw if $_->is_file } ); $calendar = Object::Groupware::Calendar->new( data => $data, %GROUPWARE_OPTIONS, ); } } # select subset of calendar events $log->debug('serialize calendar events...'); my $start; if ( $ENV{CAL_DAV_NOW} ) { try { require DateTimeX::Easy } catch ($e) { $log->fatalf( 'failed parsing CAL_DAV_NOW: %s', $e ) && exit 2 } $start = DateTimeX::Easy->new( $ENV{CAL_DAV_NOW} ); $log->fatalf( 'failed parsing CAL_DAV_NOW: unknown start time "%s"', $ENV{CAL_DAV_NOW} ) && exit 2 unless defined $start; } $start ||= DateTime->now; my $end = $start->clone->add( months => 6 ); my $span = DateTime::Span->from_datetimes( start => $start, end => $end ); my @events = $calendar->events($span); # serialize calendar view if ($OUTPUT_FILE) { $OUTPUT_FILE = path($OUTPUT_FILE); $OUTPUT_FILE->parent->mkpath; $OUTPUT_FILE->remove; } my %vars; for (@events) { next unless $_->summary; push @{ $vars{events} }, $_; } my %tmpl; $tmpl{list} = path($SKELDIR)->child('list.md')->slurp_utf8; my $template = Text::Xslate->new( path => \%tmpl, syntax => 'TTerse', type => 'text', ); my $content = $template->render( 'list', \%vars ); if ($OUTPUT_FILE) { $OUTPUT_FILE->append_utf8($content); } else { print $content; } 1;