# Maintenance of feature structure
Writing style of documentation files,
coding style of scripts,
and how to handle translation, preview, and compilation.
## Documentation
Texts are written in [CommonMark][] -
a strict flavor of Markdown.
Use short [ATX headings][],
and [semantic linewrapping][].
Use [reference links] -
in shortcut style where possible,
with its reference definition at bottom of same section.
Avoid [hard line breaks][].
"CommonMark - strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown"
[ATX headings]:
"ATX headings - header markup using leading hashtags"
[semantic linewrapping]:
"semantic linewrapping - wrap by paragraph or shorter semantic chunks"
[reference links]:
"reference links - link markup with metadata in separate source paragraph"
[hard line breaks]:
"hard line breaks - markup to force linebreak within a paragraph"