# Preparations for website editing As user of Example orga, you can setup any [Micropub] client and then add and edit [article] posts on Example orga website(s). [Micropub]: "Micropub - open standard for simple web content editing" [article]: "article - Micropub item containing html (e.g. a blog post)" ## Special strings NB! This documentation uses special strings which you may want to adapt for your local setup: micropubhost: micropub.example.org domain: example.org organisation: Example orga ## Clients Example orga web content uses Micropub, that is accessed with any of several [Micropub clients]. Recommended is to use the [Indigenous] client, available for desktop, Android and ios. You can use several clients at once. [Micropub clients]: "Overview of Micropub clients" [Indigenous]: "Indigenous - app to interact with Micropub and Microsub services" ## Access rights Micropub handles access control using [IndieAuth]. FIXME [IndieAuth]: "IndieAuth - decentralized identity protocol on top of OAuth 2.0"