AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-06-04use inline defined hintsHEADmasterJonas Smedegaard
2020-06-21drop mkdocs build scripts: moved to separate git "features"Jonas Smedegaard
2019-11-02Use mustache template wrapping of variables.Jonas Smedegaard
2018-11-26Add source URL as mkdocs metadata.Jonas Smedegaard
2018-11-24Label front page as Introduction (not Home).Jonas Smedegaard
2018-11-24Use linkchecker. Fix phony targets.Jonas Smedegaard
2018-11-24Explain shell account.Jonas Smedegaard
2018-11-24Use mkdocs.Jonas Smedegaard
2018-11-24Initial draft.Jonas Smedegaard