blob: f75547ce15383fe2753f8cc295da5a0d050f0b43 (
- * Recommend Linphone on Android
- (CSipSimple is old and unmaintained, does not support Opus or video,
- and is rumored to hang and drain battery -
- maybe esp. when switching between wifi and cellular).
- * Linphone fails with TLS: Try with Letsencrypt instead of
- * Setup snippet (when it works):
- 1. Install linphone from f-droid.
- 2. Select "Use sip account"
- * Enter username, password, "", your full name (as display name).
- * Leave "Transport" set to the default "TLS".
- * Click "Login"
- 3. Select "Settings" from main menu.
- * Select "Network" submenu.
- * Select "Media Encryption" and choose ZRTP.
- 4. Optionally: Select "advanced" and "start at boot".