path: root/
blob: 8e7e08094c11c81ecf07be476768503574832a38 (plain)

Video for web consumption


Best: DV (or another "classic" lightly compressed format).

Second-best: MPEG-4 AVC or VP9 (or another "modern" strongly compressed format), with compression settings lowered most possible.

Tolerated: almost any format - if in doubt just accept as-is.

Worst: Tolerated format transcoded into a "better" one.


Beware that a good source format is huge in size - can literally take days to download over the Internet!


To fetch video from a videohost like Vimeo Youtube, try each of these until it succeeds:

cclive ''
youtube-dl ''
get_flash_videos ''


Move the source file(s) to subdirectory src.

Use transcoding script localvideowebencode.

Test if encoding work at all:

localvideowebencode --compression dirty --sample src/the-source.dv

If image size is not too big, simply transcode with no options:

localvideowebencode src/the-source.dv

Smaller image size leads to faster download and less ressources needed to play. Best is to pick a size which is "modulus 16" (see localvideowebencode --help) for details), e,g vga or 480p:

localvideowebencode --size 480p src/the-source.dv

Some sources use sub-optimal refresh rate (variable or very slow/fast). Especially too fast rate is best to reduce to 20 or 30. Here an example of setting both size and rate together:

localvideowebencode --profile 480p25 src/the-source.dv

More complex example:

localvideowebencode --video talkinghead --profile 480p25 --audio speech src/the-source.dv


localvideowebencode --help


Push video files to media server, e.g.

Reference thepublished files, e.g. using a template in Ikiwiki.