BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masteruse hint support: (and avoid word support to introduce featureJonas Smedegaard3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-01-28use hint support: (and avoid word support to introduce featureHEADmasterJonas Smedegaard
2022-01-28tidy whitespaceJonas Smedegaard
2022-01-28distinguish issues of enabling and using simulcastJonas Smedegaard
2022-01-28use common terms for ways to signal simulcast in SDP in DEVELOPJonas Smedegaard
2022-01-28use hints issue: test: in DEVELOPJonas Smedegaard
2022-01-25fix add closing parensJonas Smedegaard
2022-01-25update and extend notes on simulcast in DEVELOPJonas Smedegaard
2022-01-25normalize secondary bullets in DEVELOPJonas Smedegaard
2021-11-02add draft turtle-flavored markdown dataJonas Smedegaard
2021-11-02add https://beta.meet.jit.si/Jonas Smedegaard