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Hosted realtime audio/video conferencing

Use https://sip2sip.info/ for now, and try avoid more than 6 video streams

This is an overview of realtime audio/video conferencing option, categorized as "good", "bad" or "ugly" based on how recommendable they are both politically, technically and practically.


"Good" options use open standards and Free software, is realistic to self-host on cheap, small computers (even if concrete instance might be cloud-based), and are readily usable.

Generally most reliable is https://sip2sip.info/, so use that unless you need a specific feature unavailable there.


https://sip2sip.info uses Free software and requires relatively light hardware to self-host.

Login is intuitive and step-wise, using ad-hoc identity. Connect to https://sip2sip.info/ and select room name, and you are redirected to a room URL (room URL is however long to type and at another commercial site).

Media selection is done reliably before entering the room (except if you cancel browser dialog, then login page is trapped).

Streaming and rendering is efficient. Video focus can optionally be locked onto 1-2 "speakers". Unknown how larger meetings are handled.

Includes text chat (crucial in case of audio trouble).


https://letsmeet.no uses Free software and requires relatively light hardware to self-host.

Login is intuitive and step-wise, using either ad-hoc or Feide (EduGAIN, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) identity. Connect to https://letsmeet.no/ and select room name, and you are redirected to an intuitive room URL.

Media selection is done unreliably (not reliably detecting available devices) when entering the room (if browser dialog is cancelled you enter room in a broken unrepariable state)

Streaming and rendering is inefficient (heavy CPU load). Video focus can optionally be limited to an arbitrary amount of "speakers" (limiting only by number not locked onto specific participants). Unknown how larger meetings are handled.

Includes text chat (crucial in case of audio trouble).


"Bad" options use Free software, but either uses non-standard protocols, is too heavy for small-scale self-hosting, or does not really work reliably.

These are only relevant if you need some specific feature, or for inspiration when exploring what is possible.


https://tawk.space uses Free software and requires relatively light hardware to self-host.

No login. Connect to https://tawk.space/ which is one big "room".

Media selection is done only using browser dialog. (if browser dialog is cancelled you enter room in a broken unrepariable state)

Streaming is unreliable (may fail to initiate video, and video freezes after ~10 seconds); rendering is efficient. Unknown how larger meetings are handled.

Includes text-based scratch-space.

Includes per-participant pointer.


https://roll.call uses Free software but requires relatively heavy hardware to self-host.

Supports multi-party audio-only sessions.

Offers high-quality recording saved locally and transfered to remote participant after the session is done.

Works only with the "Chromium" web browser.


https://meet.jit.si/ uses Free software but requires relatively heavy hardware to self-host.


https://matrix.org/ (a.k.a. https://riot.im) uses Free software but requires relatively heavy hardware to self-host.


https://bigbluebutton.org/ uses Free software but requires relatively heavy hardware to self-host.


https://wire.com/ uses Free software but a custom communication protocol.


"Ugly" options use proprietary software.

Avoid them, they are bad for society.


Talky is a non-free licensed cloud service.


Me (a.k.a. join.me) is a non-free licensed cloud service.


GoToMeeting is a non-free licensed cloud service.


Zoom Meetings is a non-free licensed cloud service.


Hangouts Meet is a non-free licensed cloud service.


Webex Meetings is a non-free licensed cloud service.


Skype is a non-free licensed cloud service.


MoxieMeet is a non-free licensed cloud service


TeamViewer is a non-free licensed cloud service.