diff options
authorJonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>2019-06-02 12:33:43 +0200
committerJonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>2019-06-02 12:33:43 +0200
commit272b6c5693c006938bf340fb82aed8fdfc192b80 (patch)
Initial draft.
2 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DEVELOP.md b/DEVELOP.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..411f18a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEVELOP.md
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# System development
+Redpill systems are developed by multiple efforts in parallel.
+Production systems are configured by hand
+using Redpill conventions,
+on mostly conventional hardware devices.
+Experimental systems are configured semi-automated
+using Boxer bootstrapping
+and Redpill conventions,
+on mostly OSHA-certified hardware devices.
+Goal is to compose all Redpill systems purely with Boxer
+on purely OSHA-certified hardware.
+## Box
+The "box" project in the tinker team composes "profiles".
+Device-specific "core" profiles provided as readily usable images,
+with addon profiles embedded as system-expansion shell scripts.
+Goal is for the "box" project to become obsolete,
+replaced by short sensible one-liner boxer commands.
+## Boxer data
+Boxer classes and nodes are expressed as YAML data.
+Tweaks should be pushed upstream into appropriate Debian packages
+e.g. using debconf.
+Goal is to auto-resolve boxer data from apt where possible
+and obsolete all tweaks.
+## Boxer tool
+Goal is to provide same configurability at runtime
+as debian-installer provides at install time,
+either executing boxer directly or using boxer-generated scripts,
+and offer dynamic runtime-resolved equivalent of metapackages.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9c6a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Base operating system features _(system)_
+> Handling general features of the operating system
+This system is a Redpill system.
+Redpill systems are organisation-centric,
+sustainable, low-hierarchy, federated systems.
+## organisation-centric
+Shared systems prioritize its organization over users or others.
+The needs of the organisation has highest priority,
+then its members,
+then peer organisations and their members,
+then external entities -
+with powerful organisations given _lowest_ priority.
+## Sustainable
+Services and protocols with low power consumption are favored.
+A typical system draws less electricity than a conventional laptop,
+some less than an energy-saving light bulb.
+Development is fully transparent.
+All code is licensed for free and open use and reuse,
+curated by the non-commercial software distributor Debian -
+globally acknowledged for its stability and longevity.
+Redpill customizations are continuously channeled back to Debian
+and further upstream to the various code projects.
+Support cases can be discretely handled when needed,
+but public discussions are encouraged
+to help share learning experiences beyond known peers.
+## Low-hierarchy
+Members have a single account on shared systems,
+with credentials shared across services.
+## Federated
+Services comply with open standards.
+Peer systems look out for each other.
+Optional features for proxying or duplicating data
+are taken into use,
+enabling a "neighbour watch" within a Redpill cluster -
+a coalition of independent semi-trusted peer Redpill systems.
+## Contributing
+Help improving this documentation is much appreciated!
+You can simply [tell us][] in plain words what you suggest changed,
+or publish a set of proposed changes as a fork of this source git,
+and [tell us][] where we can get your fork.
+[tell us]: <mailto:partners@couchdesign.dk>
+ "Couchdesign a.k.a. Jonas Smedegaard and Siri Reiter"
+## License
+Copyright © 2017-2018 Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>
+This work is licensed
+under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
+[CC-BY-SA-4.0]: <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>
+ "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license"